How to Request for a Certificate of Good Standing from Saudi Council (SCFHS)
For Ex-Saudi nurses who are currently applying for registration in other countries (like Qatar, UAE, Australia, New Zealand, UK, and more), you would most likely be asked for a Certificate of Good Standing. This is usually submitted as a proof that you have a clean track record while working as a nurse in KSA.If you are still in Saudi Arabia, you can ask this from the hospital you are working. Most hospitals usually process this for free before your final exit. However, if your company does not process this or you are already outside Saudi Arabia, you can go to the SCFHS website to request for your Certificate of Good Standing (COGS).
Step 1: On the SCFHS website, go to E-Services > Additional E-Services List > Registration. Then click, Request a certificate of good standing.
Step 2: You will then be asked for your Registration Number (printed on your Saudi License). When you type your registration number, make sure that you do not include the hyphen (-) on your registration number. For instance, instead of 15-J-M-0063790, type it as 15JM0063790.
Step 3: Afterwards click Next, Under Check Information, you will now see your name and validation date (when your license will expire). Below that, you will need to put your email address (where the COGS will be sent) and your mobile number (must be a Saudi mobile number). If you do not have one, you can ask for the mobile number of a friend in Saudi who will make the payment for you.
Step 4: Under Required Service, select 'Good Standing' then click 'Add Service'. After that click Next.
Step 6: At this point, you can ask a friend or relative in Saudi Arabia to pay this in any ATM machines thru SADAD payments. Just choose Saudi Council for Health Specialties (SCFHS) as the biller (code is 129), then enter the Account Number given to you upon requesting the COGS.
Once the payment has been made, your Certificate of Good Standing (in PDF) will be emailed to you within the day.
And you're done! You can just print the Certificate if you need a hard copy.
Hope this post helped you. God bless!